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A Regione sadipscing ex mea. Option comprehensam ei duo, per facete aperiri deterruisset at, est ut falli viderer tibique. Et tota illum pertinacia sea, ut usu augue vivendum. Amet deseruisse dissentiunt cu est.
Banking as a service (BaaS) has been hailed as the great accelerator of the European fintech scene, but recent regulatory scrutiny threatens its growth. Learn about the new era of banking and the importance of a strong compliance strategy.
Improving the effectiveness of the current AML regime and easing the regulatory burden by simplifying, modernising and clarifying obligations.
The economy in the UAE is thriving, attracting foreign work and investment in the market. This positive shift means that financial institutions must now focus on maintaining robust compliance systems to prevent future vulnerabilities.
Summary of Napier AI’s consultation response to HM Treasury on improving customer due diligence, and information sharing between supervisors and public bodies.
Setting the right parameters, name matching policies, and discounting alerts in client screening can be difficult. Learn about Singapore’s Central Bank’s best practices.
In February 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) opened a consultation ‘CP24/2: Our Enforcement Guide and publicising enforcement investigations – a new approach’. What does it mean for FIs?
Asset management firms are facing demands for transparency from customers and regulators. Graham Hogan, Napier AI’s Head of EMEA covers how they can automate compliance.
Anti-money laundering compliance for wealth and asset management is becoming more assertive; here’s what you should know
Regulatory scrutiny of the asset management sector is increasing in the US and across the globe, and the cost of compliance is growing.
Not only does it enhance CX, but financial crime compliance is a route resiliency in a competitive market, avoiding huge fines, and reducing TCO. Read 5 reasons why.
Will Monk, Napier’s CPO discusses how financial institutions can address increasing regulatory pressure and constant change in financial crime compliance, and introduces Continuum Live.
How wealth & asset management firms can tackle increased regulations and scrutiny on financial crime compliance.
Regulators are shining their spotlights on the failings of the payments sector to tackle money laundering. Nick Portalski discusses a fast start guide to compliance.
Are your compliance teams ready for the transaction surge in the holiday season?
Focus your compliance team’s efforts on hits that truly require manual intervention.
The Wolfsberg Group’s revised Standards for payments transparency explained.
The swiftness and simplicity of neobanks are redefining banking experience for a new generation of tech-savvy customers. What does this mean for anti-money laundering compliance?
In an era marked by the proliferation of cashless societies, the financial crime landscape is undergoing a profound transformation.
Learn from global payments companies about trends in the industry and how to address them while remaining compliant.
Robin Lee
August 31, 2023
How can financial institutions harness RegTech for compliance?
Learn the risks associated with processing payments when connected to instant payments systems
Not having a sandbox or having a bad one, could have serious consequences that’ll slow down your AML processes.
Launching a new payments product or entering a new market? You need the right RegTech.
Napier has been identified as a Technology Standout for AML transaction monitoring by leading research and advisory firm Celent
Starling chose Napier’s Transaction Screening because of the platform’s standout technology and performance, which can keep pace with Starling’s impressive growth.
Insights from gaming expert Bob Boyle on the growth of the industry and best practices for driving regulatory compliance.
Napier Continuum solution won the Waters Technology Asia Awards,2023 for the best KYC/AML Service in the industry.
Chartis, the leading provider of research and analysis on the global market for risk, recognized Napier as a category leader across multiple quadrants in its latest report
Insights from the SEACEN course on New Tools in Supervisory Monitoring and Examination, by Robin Lee on Perpetual Client Risk Assessment (pCRA).
A summary of the transaction monitoring best practice guide ‘Effectiveness Matters’ from ACAMS.
How can financial institutions identify and report indicators of modern slavery? Insights from EY’s interactive modern slavery hackathon.
FCA toughens safeguards against Post Office money laundering; global AMF guidelines published.
Whistleblowers are the unsung heroes in the fight against financial crime, shining a light on illicit activities and holding wrongdoers accountable.
SRA demands for economic crime information predicted to be heavy; Operation Mekong Dragon endorsed by TRAFFIC; and new high value and luxury goods dealer guidance published.
More focus on AML in London and modern slavery in the UK; Canada updates AML assessment amidst frustration over sanctions blocking access to legitimate funds.
EBA issues new guidelines ensuring fair access to financial services; BC cracks down on organised crime; and the West Midlands police identifies money mules.
Economic Crime Levy to part fund £400M investment to combat UK fincrime; Ireland bids to host a new EU AML Authority; and a U.S. a man is sentenced for an $8M FRAML sting.
The UK government announced its Economic Crime Plan to cut crime in a six-pronged attack on financial crime.
As the worlds of fraud and AML collide, we're seeing more crossovers in tools, techniques, and teams than ever before.
The FCA issues warning to payment firms; AFP establishes new task force to combat money laundering; takedown of an infamous crypto laundromat.
In a joint event hosted by Napier and Mastercard, compliance experts discuss how to stay ahead of financial crimes by fusing fraud and AML practices.
SVB collapse, economic crime levy, advisory publication on Russian sanctions evasions, and more
AUSTRAC and EGBA fight back against money laundering in the gaming industry, while MAS strengthens wealth management supervision.
UNODC warns of organised crime risks; calls to address vulnerabilities to criminal exploitation in art market; UK expands scope of 'failure to prevent' offences; and SAR guidance report is issued by NCA.
We highlight NGOs that work to eradicate financial crime and empower its survivors.
AUSTRAC cements partnerships with UK; Thailand focuses on wildlife crime; roundtable discussions on global sanctions; and a Russian warlord passes AML checks with ease.
Napier AI
February 17, 2023
UK cracks down on illegal crypto ATMs; growing money laundering concerns in Australia and, in the US, ABA and state groups press for the withdrawal of a FinCEN proposal.
A list of financial crime books, and other favourite reads from Napierians across the world.
We talk about stablecoins, central bank digital currencies - what they are, how they are regulated, and what makes them attractive to investors.
ABA opposes Suspicious Transaction reporting requirement for lawyers; international money laundering organisation charged; and the BBC set to release ‘The Gold’.
To mark International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Napier spotlights our chief data scientist Dr. Janet Bastiman.
We sat down with our Head of APAC Robin Lee following his appointment as the vice chair of the APAC Chapter, to discuss his insight into compliance challenges in APAC
UK government publishes crypto reg proposals; joint US-South Africa anti wildlife trafficking task force set up; and ownership of many UK properties still opaque.
The U.S expands whistleblower support, the UK grants new powers to the SRA to include non-compliance, and the leader of a global money laundering group sentenced.
Mariya Pattara
January 25, 2023
‘Smurfs’ break down large transactions of illicit money into smaller sums. What can organisations do to detect such complex approaches to money laundering?
The WEF panel calls for crypto standardisation; the U.S. OCC warns large banks may face being broken up; Hong Kong Customs busts the city’s largest AML case
Napier AI
January 17, 2023
The rise of cryptocurrency has ushered in a new era of increasingly complex money laundering scandals, with regulators outpacing the new digital avenues of fraud.
The UK govt. considers introducing digital pound, GMP’s Economic Crime Unit recovers over £10 million, and corruption links found in the UK golden visa review.
Financial crimes have been around since the evolution of money itself. Here is a list of financial crime movies and TV shows from across the world
Biden signs new legislation on human trafficking; Netflix release 'Madoff: Monster of Wall Street; Austrac warns crypto is becoming mainstream in money laundering
A list of financial crime podcasts you can listen to on the go; from gripping stories of famous heists to conversations on the latest AML regulations.
Greg Watson, Napier’s CEO’s thoughts on current challenges of financial crime risk management and the future of this sector.
Allegations related to World Cup host Qatar leads to a call for reform in the EU, and a setback for AML efforts in the US as critical legislation is knocked back.
Summary of the latest OFAC guidelines for financial institutions on how best to allocate compliance resources in instant payment systems.
A consensus on a tough AML rule book by the EU council; a crackdown in Hong Kong on a money laundering syndicate; a push for a Congressional bill on AML changes in the U.S.
We examine Singapore’s 2022 National Strategy for Countering the Financing of Terrorism, and its potential to support anti-terrorism globally.
Technological transformation in the UK is causing banks to make changes and the U.S. the Department of Justice faces challenges to money laundering charges.
EU rules to revoke public access to beneficial ownership information; UAE regulators plan to strengthen information sharing laws; and King Charles’ charity could be investigated.
This week, Netflix blew the whistle on the FIFA corruption scandal; German authorities sought to end unlimited cash transactions; and the FBI may issue FTX’s ex-CEO a red card.
Oligarchs among the offshore owners of UK property; prosecutors consider letting former Louvre director and curator go; and billions in crypto stolen from the Silk Road seized.
Here we look at 6 ways Payments Services Providers (PSPs) can mitigate the risk of financial crime by reducing their risk exposure.
Eimer Cotter
November 3, 2022
It’s estimated there are almost three billion online gamers worldwide and regulations in this industry are still rather lax so the potential for financial crime is vast.
The EU voted in a bill targeting crypto crime; Pakistan was removed from the FATF grey list; and Interpol entered the metaverse.
The major headline this week in financial crime news sees the UK and USA plan closer collaboration in sanctioning bad actors globally. Elsewhere it emerged that the fugitive ‘Cryptoqueen’, who is on the FBI’s ‘most wanted’ list, was tipped off about investigations prior to her disappearance and France appointed a new head of its regulatory body, the Financial Markets Authority (AMF).
We’ve summarised the American Gaming Association’s 2022 guide to ‘Best Practices for Anti-Money Laundering Compliance.’
The Swiss plan to introduce a corporate ownership registry; UK tax authorities get tough on real estate; and a UK businessman is arrested for helping an oligarch dodge sanctions.
We’ve summarised the key findings and problem areas highlighted by the 11th Annual Basel AML Index, namely a concerning stagnation in global risk mitigation efforts.
The Prince of Wales advocated for fighting trafficking by following the money; the EU agreed to new cryptocurrency trade laws to target money laundering; and the UK banned law firms from servicing Russia.
The Japanese government stiffen against cryptocurrencies; South Africa takes aim at tax evaders; and the U.S. presses charges over a New Jersey deli’s multi-million-dollar secret.
In a webinar with Thomson Reuters on the cost of compliance, our Chief Data Scientist, Dr. Janet Bastiman, explained why banks and regulators struggle hiring data scientists.
While the past week saw Britons pay their final respects to Queen Elizabeth II, the worldwide fight against financial crime rumbled on.
Napier and Thomson Reuters recently hosted part 3 of our ‘Cost of Compliance’ webinar series, this time looking to the future of the compliance function.
In the shadow of Queen Elizabeth II’s death this week, financial crime headlines saw a hacker make off with $185,000 of charity funds raised in an NFT auction.
Discover the key insights from the panel of a webinar we co-hosted in partnership with Thomson Reuters, the second in a series of webinars on the cost of compliance.
FATF found Germany’s AML regime lacking; Malaysia jailed an ex-Prime Minister for financial crimes; and a UK money laundering duo were sentenced.
In this blog, we examine the US Department of State’s 2022 Trafficking in Persons Report, and the role AML plays in detecting trafficking globally.
UK authorities arrest suspected traffickers with drug trade links; Spanish police foil a laundering operation in Tenerife; and Switzerland to return $100m+ to Uzbekistan.
An ex-lawyer caught for fraud and laundering via his investment fund; Portugal’s banks purge crypto exchanges; and 3 charged with defrauding US Covid-19 relief funds.
The UK’s halting money laundering through property purchases; Australian authorities proposed restrictions on casinos; and Mexico’s FIU investigated an ex-president.
Technology’s use by human traffickers has only been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic and global digitalisation, but it can also be used by the AML sector to eliminate the scourge.
Hagar is an international NGO (non-governmental organisation) with 28 years of experience in healing and empowering communities suffering from the trauma of human trafficking, modern-day slavery, and abuse. To raise awareness of how technology is used to enable human trafficking and also how it can be used to disrupt it, Napier’s head of APAC, Robin Lee, sat down with Dr Andrew Catford, Global CEO of Hagar International, to talk about the problem.
Concern in the UK that a jobs-cut will encourage financial crime; a joint operation busts money laundering operation in Hungary; and Taiwan halts credit cards for cryptocurrency trades.
To learn more about the use and abuse of technology in human trafficking, we interviewed Aaron Kahler, Founder and CEO of the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative.
UK couple jailed for laundering offences; Australian authorities seized a record cash haul from laundering syndicate; and UK and US governments launch competition to fight financial crime.
We explore solutions for challenger banks to adapt their financial crime risk approach and address weaknesses identified by the FCA.
The UK Treasury polls the public on crypto assets; two asset managers face charges in a billion-dollar laundering scheme; and Ukraine seizes assets from crypto brokers with Russian clients.
Moscow welcomed Boris Johnson’s resignation as PM, Ukraine did not; South Africa risk the FATF grey list; and Pakistan’s ex-PM was accused of money laundering using diamonds.
Napier and Thomson Reuters ran a webinar on the increasing costs and requirements facing the compliance sector, find the summary of the panel’s insights here.
We summarised the highs and lows of FATF’s findings on mutual evaluation reports from a total of 120 FATF and FATF-style regional bodies.
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